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发布时间:2013-01-12     点击次数:


  a. Articles in Refereed Journals

  [1] Ping Lin and G.Wang, Blowup time optimal control for ordinary differential equations, to appear inJ. Control and Optim..

  [2] G. S. Wang and G.ZhengThe optimal control to restore the periodic property of a linear evolution system with small perturbation, to appear in Vol.14 No. 4, Discrete and continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B.

  [3] Kim-Dang Phung and G.Wang, Quantitative unique continuation for the semilinear heat equation in a convex domain, Journal of Functional Analysis, 259, 1230-1247, (2010).

  [4]G.Wang and X,Yu, Error estimates for an optimal control problem governed by the heat equation with state and control constraints.International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol.7., No.1, 30-65, 2010.

  [5] G. S. Wang,  L^-null controllability for the heat equation and its consequences for the time optimal control, J. Control and Optim. ,Vol.47,No.4,1701-1720,2008.

  [6] G. S. Wang and D.H. Yang, Decomposition of vector-valued divergence free Sobolev functions and shape optimization for stationary Navier-Stokes equations, Comm. PDE, 33, 1-21, 2008.

  [7]L. Lei and G.S. Wang, Optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations with k-approximate periodic solutions, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, Vol. 46, No. 5, 1754-1778, 2007.

  [8] K-D Phung, G. S. Wang and X.Zhang, Existence of time optimal control of evolution equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Ser. B, Vol. 8, No. 4, 925-941,2007.

  [9] G. wang and L. Wang, The bang-bang principle of time optimal controls for the heat equation with internal controls,Systems & Control Letters, 56, 709-713,2007.

  [10] Dan Tiba, G. S. Wang and M. Yamamoto, Applications of convexity in some identification problems,MATHEMATICAL REPORTS-BUCHAREST, 2007.

  [11]G.S.Wang, L.Wang and D.Yang, Shape optimization of elliptic equations in exterior domains,, J. Control and Optim. 45(2), 532-547, 2006.

  [12]G.S.Wang and L.Zhang, Exact Local Cintrollability of a one-Control Reaction-Differentail System, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 131, No.3, 453-467, 2006.

  [13] L.Lei, G.S.Wang and L.Zhang, The quantitative estimate of unique continuation and the cost of approximate controllability for coupled parabolic systems, Contemparary Math., 400, 147-159, 2006

  [14]G.Marinoschi and G.S.Wang, Identification of the rain rate for a boundary value problem of a rainfall infiltration in a porous medium, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optim., 27(2), 189-205, 2006.

  [15]G. Marinoschi and G.S.Wang. Indentification of the rain rate for a boundary value problem of a rainfall infiltration in a porous medium,. Determination of the conditions of optimality, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optim., 27(2), 207-236, 2006.

  [16]K-D Phung and G.S.Wang, Quantitative uniqueness for time periodic heat equation with potential and its applications, Differential and Integral Equations, 19(6), 627-668, 2006..

  [17]V.Barbu and G.S.Wang, Feedback stabilization of periodic solutions to nonlinear parabolic evolution systems, IndianaUni.Math. J., 54(6), 1521-1546, 2005.

  [18] G.S.Wang, Optimal Control of Non-well-posed Heat Equations, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Vol. 21, No.5 p. 1005-1014, 2005

  [19]G.S.Wang, Optimal control of non-well-posed heat equations, Acta Mathematica Sinica , Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 7-22, 2005.

  [20]G.S.Wang and L.Wang, Identification of Nonlinearity in Periodic Parabolic Euqations, Numerical Functional and Optim., Vol.25 (1-2), pp.183-197, 2004 .

  [21]G.S.Wang, The existence of time optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations, System Control Letter, 53, 171-175, 2004.

  [22] C. Jia and G.S.Wang, Identifications of parameters in ill-posed linear parabolic equations, Nonlinear analysis, Vol.57/5-6, p.677-686,2004.

  [23]G.S.Wang, Pontryagin’s maximum principle of optimal control governed by some non-well posed semilinear parabolic differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 53, p. 601-618, 2003.

  [24]G.S.Wang and L.Wang, Maximum principle of optimal control of non-well posed elliptic differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 54, p. 41-67, 2003.

  [25]G.S.Wang, Stabilization of the Boussinesq equation via internal feedback controls; Nonlinear Analysis;52, p.485-506, 2003.

  [26]L.Wang and G.S.Wang, Local internal controllability of the Boussinesq system, Nonlinear Analysis;53, p.637-652, 2003.

  [27] G.S.Wang and L.Wang, Maximum Principle of state constrained optimal control governed by fluid dynamic systems,Nonlinear Analysis, 52. No. 8, pp. 1911-1931, 2003.

  [28]G.S.Wang, Maximum principle of optimal control of stationary Navier-Stokes equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 52, p. 1853-1866, 2003.

  [29]G.S.Wang and L.Wang, The Carleman inequality and its application to periodic optimal control governed by parabolic system, Journal of Optimization Theory and Application,Vol. 118, No. 2, pp. 429-461, 2003.

  [30]L.Wang and G.S.Wang, Time optimal control of Phase-field systems, J. Control And Optim..42, No.4, pp. 1483-1508, 2003.

  [31]S.Li and G.S.Wang, The time optimal control of the Boussinesq equation, Numerical Functional and Optim., Vol.24, No. 1 and 2, pp.163-180,2003.

  [32]V.Barbu and G.S.Wang, Feedback stablization of semilinear heat equation, Abstract Analysis and Applications, 12, pp. 697-714, 2003.

  [33]V.Barbu and G.S.Wang, Internal stabilization of semilinear parabolic systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 285, pp.387-407, 2003.

  [34]Y.Deng, Z.Gua and G.S.Wang, Nodal solutions for p-Laplace equations with critical growth, Nonlinear Analysis, 54, No.6, pp.1121-1151, 2003.

  [35] G.S.Wang, Optimal controls of 3-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with state constraints; . J.Control and Optim., Vol.41, No.2, p.583-606; 2002.

  [36]G.S.Wang and L.Wang, Optimal control governed by ono-well-posed parabolic differential equations, Proceedings of the 41stIEEE conference on decision and control, Vols 1-4, 2340-2345, 2002.

  [37]G.S.Wang, Optimal control problems governed by non-well-posed semilinear elliptic equation, Nonlinear Analysis, 49, p. 315-333, 2002.

  [38]G.S.Wang, Potryagin maximum principle of optimal control governed by Fluid Dynamic systems with two point boundary state constraint, Nonlinear Analysis, 51, p. 509-536, 2002.

  [39] G.S.Wang and L.Wang, State-constrained optimal control governed by non-wellposed semilinear parabolic differential equation, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, Vol. 40, No. 5, p. 1517-1539, 2002.

  [40] G.S.Wang and C.Liu, Maximum Principle for state-constrained control of some semilinear parabolic differential equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 115, No.1, 2002, p.183-209.

  [41] G.S.Wang and Lijuan Wang, State-constrained optimal control un Hilbert space, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization., 22(1&2), 2001, 255-276.

  [42] G.S.Wang, Yongcheng Zhao, Weide Li, Optimal control governed by a semilinear elliptic differential equation,Nonlinear Analysis 44, 2001, 957-974.

  [43] G.Wang, Y.Zhao and W.Li, Some optimal control problems governed by elliptic variational inequalities with control and state constraint on the boundary, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 106,No.3, 2000, 627-655.

  [44] G.Wang, Optimal control of parabolic variational inequality involving state constraint, Nonlinear Analysis, 42, 2000, 789-801.

  [45] G.Wang, Optimal control of parabolic differential equations with two point boundary state constraints, SIAM J. Control Optim., Vol.38, No.5, 2000, 1639-1654.

  [46] G.Wang, S.Chen, Maximum ptinciple for optimal control of some parabolic systems with two point boundary conditions,Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimizations, 20(1&2), 1999, 163-174.

  [47] Y.Deng, G.Wang, Optimal control of some semilinear elliptic equations with critical exponent, Nonlinear Analysis, 36, 1999, 915-922.

  [48] Y.Deng, G.Wang, On inhomogeneous biharmonic equations involving critical exponents, Proc. Roy.Soc.Edinburgh Sect.A 129 , no.5, 1999, 925-946.

  [49] G.S.Wang and C.Liu, The heat equation in R with antiperiodic boundary condition, Acta Mathematica Scientia( ), Vol. 19, p.391-401, 1999.

  [49] Y.Deng and G.S.Wang, Necessary conditions for optimal control problems governed by some nonlinear parabolic differential equations, Panamerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 8, p. 67-80,1998.

  [50] Y.Deng and G.S.Wang, Optimal control problems of some semilinear elliptic differential equations involving Sobolev critical exponent, An.St.Univ.Ovidius Constanta (Romania), Vol. 6, p.43-60, 1998.

  b. Preprints

  [1] G.Wang and GuojieZhengError estimates for the optimal time to a time optimal control problem of an internally controlled heat equation, Preprint, (2010).

  [2] G.Wang and Lijuan Wang, Error estimate for optimal control problems for the heat equation and with the end-point state constraint,Preprint, (2009) .

  [3] G.Wang and E. Zuazua, Connections between time and norm optimal controls for heat equations.Preprint, (2010).

  [4] Qi Lv and G.Wang, On the existence of time optimal controls with constraints of the rectangular type for heat equations.Preprint, (2010).

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