(1) (joint with Kefeng Liu) Remarks on the Cartan formula and its applications, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 2012, 16(1):157-169
(2) (joint with Xing Lin) On the Maslov-type index for symplectic paths with Lagrangian boundary conditions and spectral flow, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly,2012,8 (4):993-1028
(3) (joint with Quanting Zhao) Applications of the deformation formula of holomorphic one-forms, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2013,266(1):221-255
(4) (joint with Kefeng Liu, Xiaokui Yang) Quasi-isometry and deformations of Calabi–Yau manifolds, Invent. math.,2015, 199(2):423-453
(5) (joint with Quanting Zhao) Extension formulas and deformation invariance of Hodge numbers,Comptes Rendus Mathematique,2015,353(11):979-984
(6) (joint with Quanting Zhao) Several special complex structures and their deformation properties, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2017 online.
(7) (joint with Quanting Zhao, Xueyuan Wan) Power series proofs for local stabilities of Kähler and balanced structures with mild ddbar-lemma, arXiv:1609.05637
(8) (joint with Kefeng Liu, Xueyuan Wan) Geometry of logarithmic forms and deformations of complex structures, to appear in Journal of Algebraic geometry, arXiv:1708.00097
(9) (joint with Song Yang, Xiangdong Yang) Dolbeault cohomologies of blowing up complex manifolds, to appear in Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, arXiv:1712.06749
(10) (joint with Quanting Zhao, Xueyuan Wan) On local stabilities of p-Kahler structures, arXiv:1801.01031
(11) (joint with Song Yang, Xiangdong Yang) Dolbeault cohomologies of blowing up complex manifolds II: bundle-valued case, arXiv:1809.07277
(n) (joint with Kefeng Liu, Quanting Zhao) New proofs of the Torelli theorems for Riemann surfaces, arXiv:1207.5697