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标题 时间 发布单位
定积分概念 [2013-01-12]
高等数学 [2013-01-12]
发表论文 [2013-01-12]
专著与教材 [2013-01-12]
国家自然科学基金青年基金 [2013-01-12]
科研工作 [2013-01-12]
发表文章 [2013-01-12]
编写教材 [2013-01-12]
主要研究领域(Research interests) [2013-01-12]
PUBLICATIONS [2013-01-12]
学术兼职 [2013-01-12]
项目情况 [2013-01-12]
获奖情况 [2013-01-12]
发表论文 [2013-01-12]
发表论文 [2013-01-12]
科研项目 [2013-01-12]
科学研究 [2013-01-12]
学术成果 [2013-01-12]
09-Optimization-based Structure Identification of Complex [2013-01-08]
08-Optimal control for elliptic systems with pointwise euc [2013-01-08]
07-Optimal control for an elliptic system with convex poly [2013-01-08]
06-Numerical Identification of a Robin Coefficient in Para [2013-01-08]
05-Optimal Control for Multi-phase Fluid Stokes Problems [2013-01-08]
04-Optimal Control for the Elliptic System with Polygonal [2013-01-08]
03-Error estimate of the nonconforming P1 finite element m [2013-01-08]
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